Upcoming PTO Meeting
The December PTO Meeting is cancelled- Happy Holidays to all!
Check out our Events Page for this year's meeting schedules
Radiant PTO needs your support! There are many opportunities for parents to be involved, whether it’s from home, at school or in the classroom. No matter if you have ten minutes or ten hours, opportunities are available no matter how involved you want to be.
Throughout the year we are also in need of extra volunteers for various events and activities. Announcements of these events will be made through email, social media, and the home page of our website. When volunteers are needed for these specific events, you may sign up through the sign up link provided in the announcement.
If you would like your student's information to be included in their grade-level directory, please complete the form.
Information in the directory is used for parents to contact each other for play dates, birthday parties and special events.
The directory is only shared with your student's grade.